ref. č. 7420

We are sorry but the job is no longer open.

Project & Product manager (oblast kinematografie)

Do brněnského týmu úspěšné české společnosti hledáme produktového/projektového manažera s nadšením pro oblast kinematografie.


Tuto pozici obsazujeme pro brněnský tým české společnosti, která mimo jiné pracuje na produktu v oblasti kinematografie.

Na této pozici budete:

  • mít kompletně na starosti celý projekt v oblasti kinematografie, jeho řízení po stránce businessu i vývoje
  • působit na převážně samostatné pozici s možností uplatnit vlastní nápady a podílet se na strategickém rozhodování
  • mít zodpovědnost za produktovou roadmapu (příprava, nastavení, udržování) i za plánování vývoje
  • komunikovat interními i externími partnery a stakeholdery
  • spolupracovat s vývojovým a redakčním týmem
  • podílet se na dlouhodobém projektu s mezinárodním potenciálem
  • pracovat v přátelském, neformálním prostředí v nových kancelářích s výhledem na Brno


Hledáme komunikativního a nadšeného filmového fanouška, který:

  • se alespoň 5 let pohybuje v oblasti projektového nebo produktového managementu v digitálním prostředí
  • má zkušenosti s vedením menšího týmu
  • se orientuje v oblasti vývoje software
  • zná webovou analytiku, online marketing (Google Analytics, PPC, SEO apod.)
  • ovládá nástroje spojené s řízením produktů a agilním vývojem, jako je např. Jira či Confluence
  • rád přichází s novými řešeními a nemá problém si je obhájit
  • se bez problému domluví s kýmkoliv na čemkoliv česky i anglicky minimálně na úrovni B2
  • je organizačně zdatný, spolehlivý, dokáže se zorientovat v konkurenčních produktech


  • jedná se o zaměstnanecký pracovní poměr, plný úvazek (na dobu neurčitou)
  • společnost nabízí pružnou pracovní dobu, roční bonusy, příspěvek na stravování (stravenky), Mutisport kartu, notebook a jiné vybavení, mobilní telefon s firemním tarifem, možnost vzdělávání aj.

Pokud Vás nabídka zaujala, zašlete nám svůj životopis nebo odkaz na LinkedIn.

Uchazeče, kteří postoupí do užšího kola, budeme kontaktovat. Ostatní zařadíme do databáze a budeme je kontaktovat, jakmile pro ně nalezneme jinou vhodnou nabídku.

Locality Brno

Your journey to your dream position in IT matters.

Get in touch with us, and we'll discuss your expectations. We stand by your side in the search for the right opportunity.

Register and activate our smart "watch-mouse" for the ideal position based on your preferred criteria.

We understand that time is a precious commodity in the IT field, thus we focus on fast and comfortable communication for you. Don't have time to create a perfect professional profile? Based on our consultation, we'll review your current career path. We'll provide advice, tips, and strategies that can help in finding the ideal position. We believe that recruitment is based on partnership. Respectful dialogue, open communication, trust, and finding solutions are the foundation of our work.

Your journey to your dream position in IT matters.

Get in touch with us, and we'll discuss your expectations. We stand by your side in the search for the right opportunity.

Register and activate our smart "watch-mouse" for the ideal position based on your preferred criteria.

We understand that time is a precious commodity in the IT field, thus we focus on fast and comfortable communication for you. Don't have time to create a perfect professional profile? Based on our consultation, we'll review your current career path. We'll provide advice, tips, and strategies that can help in finding the ideal position. We believe that recruitment is based on partnership. Respectful dialogue, open communication, trust, and finding solutions are the foundation of our work.

Your journey to your dream position in IT matters.

Get in touch with us, and we'll discuss your expectations. We stand by your side in the search for the right opportunity.

Register and activate our smart "watch-mouse" for the ideal position based on your preferred criteria.

We understand that time is a precious commodity in the IT field, thus we focus on fast and comfortable communication for you. Don't have time to create a perfect professional profile? Based on our consultation, we'll review your current career path. We'll provide advice, tips, and strategies that can help in finding the ideal position. We believe that recruitment is based on partnership. Respectful dialogue, open communication, trust, and finding solutions are the foundation of our work.

Your journey to your dream position in IT matters.

Get in touch with us, and we'll discuss your expectations. We stand by your side in the search for the right opportunity.

Register and activate our smart "watch-mouse" for the ideal position based on your preferred criteria.

We understand that time is a precious commodity in the IT field, thus we focus on fast and comfortable communication for you. Don't have time to create a perfect professional profile? Based on our consultation, we'll review your current career path. We'll provide advice, tips, and strategies that can help in finding the ideal position. We believe that recruitment is based on partnership. Respectful dialogue, open communication, trust, and finding solutions are the foundation of our work.

Your journey to your dream position in IT matters.

Get in touch with us, and we'll discuss your expectations. We stand by your side in the search for the right opportunity.

Register and activate our smart "watch-mouse" for the ideal position based on your preferred criteria.

We understand that time is a precious commodity in the IT field, thus we focus on fast and comfortable communication for you. Don't have time to create a perfect professional profile? Based on our consultation, we'll review your current career path. We'll provide advice, tips, and strategies that can help in finding the ideal position. We believe that recruitment is based on partnership. Respectful dialogue, open communication, trust, and finding solutions are the foundation of our work.

You can do it anywhare