ref. č. 8045

Backend JavaScript developer (IS pro pojišťovny)

Zajímá vás vývoj v JavaScriptu a chcete pracovat v mezinárodní společnosti s velmi příjemnou atmosférou? Pak je tato příležitost přímo pro vás!


Pozici obsazujeme pro brněnskou pobočku slovinské společnosti zaměřenou na vývoj a implementaci vlastního informačního systému pro pojišťovny.

Na této pozici budete:

  • vyvíjet převážně backend v JavaScriptu (a přidružených technologiích), okrajově v C#
  • mít možnost podílet se částečně i na frontendu
  • součástí CI/CD procesu a jeho vylepšování
  • se řídit "best practices" (Domain-Driven Design, Test-Driven Development apod.)
  • přispívat k rozvoji produktu, držet krok s trendy v odvětví
  • neustále se vzdělávat a rozvíjet svoje dovednosti
  • součástí menšího, neformálního a mladého agilního týmu


Hledáme nadšeného JavaScript vývojáře zaměřeného na backend, který:

  • ovládá JavaScript a TypeScript, nebo některou z frontendových knihoven (Angular, React, Vue)
  • ideálně zná i Node.js, případně C#/.NET
  • se již setkal s relačními databázemi (MS SQL, Oracle či IBM DB2) a ideálně zná i ty nerelační (např. ElasticSearch)
  • za sebou má alespoň roční praxi (může být i při škole), nejlépe z oblasti vývoje finančních produktů
  • nemá problém perfektně se domluvit česky/slovensky ani anglicky


  • jedná se o hlavní pracovní poměr, plný úvazek
  • finanční ohodnocení odpovídající zkušenostem (informaci ohledně mzdy vám rádi poskytneme při dalším kontaktu)
  • společnost nabízí různé benefity: stravenky, 5 sick day, kurzy technických dovedností dle vlastního výběru, vlastní laptop, příspěvek na sportovní aktivity, pravidelné teambuildingy a další

Pokud Vás nabídka zaměstnání zaujala, zašlete nám svůj životopis nebo odkaz na LinkedIn.

Vaše reakce určitě neskončí zastrčená v šuplíku, ozveme se všem (ať už telefonicky nebo skrz e-mail).

Locality Brno
Contact person Mgr. Pavel Plíšek
Phone +420 603 328 592
Locality Brno
Contact person Mgr. Pavel Plíšek
Phone +420 603 328 592
Locality Brno
Contact person Mgr. Pavel Plíšek
Phone +420 603 328 592

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We understand that time is a precious commodity in the IT field, thus we focus on fast and comfortable communication for you. Don't have time to create a perfect professional profile? Based on our consultation, we'll review your current career path. We'll provide advice, tips, and strategies that can help in finding the ideal position. We believe that recruitment is based on partnership. Respectful dialogue, open communication, trust, and finding solutions are the foundation of our work.

Your journey to your dream position in IT matters.

Get in touch with us, and we'll discuss your expectations. We stand by your side in the search for the right opportunity.

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We understand that time is a precious commodity in the IT field, thus we focus on fast and comfortable communication for you. Don't have time to create a perfect professional profile? Based on our consultation, we'll review your current career path. We'll provide advice, tips, and strategies that can help in finding the ideal position. We believe that recruitment is based on partnership. Respectful dialogue, open communication, trust, and finding solutions are the foundation of our work.

Your journey to your dream position in IT matters.

Get in touch with us, and we'll discuss your expectations. We stand by your side in the search for the right opportunity.

Register and activate our smart "watch-mouse" for the ideal position based on your preferred criteria.

We understand that time is a precious commodity in the IT field, thus we focus on fast and comfortable communication for you. Don't have time to create a perfect professional profile? Based on our consultation, we'll review your current career path. We'll provide advice, tips, and strategies that can help in finding the ideal position. We believe that recruitment is based on partnership. Respectful dialogue, open communication, trust, and finding solutions are the foundation of our work.

Your journey to your dream position in IT matters.

Get in touch with us, and we'll discuss your expectations. We stand by your side in the search for the right opportunity.

Register and activate our smart "watch-mouse" for the ideal position based on your preferred criteria.

We understand that time is a precious commodity in the IT field, thus we focus on fast and comfortable communication for you. Don't have time to create a perfect professional profile? Based on our consultation, we'll review your current career path. We'll provide advice, tips, and strategies that can help in finding the ideal position. We believe that recruitment is based on partnership. Respectful dialogue, open communication, trust, and finding solutions are the foundation of our work.

Your journey to your dream position in IT matters.

Get in touch with us, and we'll discuss your expectations. We stand by your side in the search for the right opportunity.

Register and activate our smart "watch-mouse" for the ideal position based on your preferred criteria.

We understand that time is a precious commodity in the IT field, thus we focus on fast and comfortable communication for you. Don't have time to create a perfect professional profile? Based on our consultation, we'll review your current career path. We'll provide advice, tips, and strategies that can help in finding the ideal position. We believe that recruitment is based on partnership. Respectful dialogue, open communication, trust, and finding solutions are the foundation of our work.

You can do it anywhare